About the Publication

The collection of scientific works "Innovatics and Expert Examination", published by FGBNU SRI FRCEC since 2007, focuses on summarizing the results of research work carried out by FRCEC researchers, analysts and experts, as well as exchange of scientific and technical information, identification of priorities for the development of domestic and global science and technology, outlining and finding ways to address the most important issues related to science and innovation, expertise, consulting, assessment and protection of intellectual property, accounting for and promotion of scientific achievements of Russia.

The collection is periodical, registered since July 2013 as an online electronic mass media (Certificate El number FS77- 54818, July 26, 2013).

The collection contains theoretical and applied scientific papers which contribute to the development of optimal, sound solutions to complex scientific, technical and organizational problems by the federal governing institutions in charge of scientific and innovative development of Russia.

Since the beginning of the publication, the collection supports main headings : "Innovation: Theory and Practice", "Examination and analysis activities", "Economics and Organization of scientific and economic activity", "Technics and techology", "National security", which set out the points of view of analysts and experts of FGBNU SRI FRCEC Research Institute, and other collaborating research organizations and enterprises on ways and means to address the most pressing problems. It addresses the issues of evaluation of the possible directions of scientific and innovative development of Russia, questions of statistics, economics and organization of scientific activity, international scientific and technical cooperation.

Materials in the collection may be useful for managers of research organizations, particularly those specializing in development of innovative products for professionals in the field of research and innovation, as well as academics and students.

All reference books in Russian.

Contact information


Obraztsova St. 12, Bldg. 2

127055 Moscow, Russia



+7 (495) 580-52-60  (ext. 209)

+7 (495) 580-52-60  (ext. 106)


at@extech.ru, ikur@extech.ru

